I am loving my Arizona Iced Tea right now! Who am I kidding I love it ALL the TIME! I wish soo badly that Canada sold these BIG cans by the case at Wal-Mart or Costco, however you can only get the green tea here by the case, but my sister was down in Michigan a couple weekends ago and saw them at Sam's Club and picked me up not 1, but 2 cases of this Sweet Tea Goodness! AND, they have raspberry flavor in the can! You can only buy that buy the bottle up here! Get this, I pay 99 cents a can and my sister bought me a case of 24 for $15 and change! Can you believe that!?
I am loving the shoes that I am wearing today. I love that I am still able to wear them. I love that I only paid $5 for them and they are sooo comfortable, thanks to the additional $7 I had to spend on them, thanks to a certain dog of mine that I LOVE sooo much ahhhhem LILY! When Lily was a puppy, she chewed the insoles out of my brand new pair of shoes! I should take a picture and post it, because she didn't really damage the shoe, just ate the insole, so Dr. Scholls came to the rescue and now I am GELLIN'.
I once again love that I am off tomorrow!
I also LOVE that I am getting my new washer and dryer tomorrow! At least I better be! I really don't want to have to blog another bitter post about Leons! And Mike and his Dad are taking the old ones out to the garage, so I won't have a back-up if they no-show! They WILL be coming tomorrow!
Thanks Little Daisy May for reminding me of what I LOVE once again!
Thanks for playing along!
Enjoy your day off tomorrow!
Enjoy your day off - lucky you! :)
Hi Ashley! Thanks for following my blog! I would love to have tomorrow off! I do also love the Arizona ice tea...the green tea with honey is one of my faves!
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