Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thrifty Steals

I'm not exactly what one would call the best yard-saler out there, in fact I am trying to get rid of junk, not add more into my mix! I wanted to have a yard sale myself but just wasn't organized! But this summer I did find myself at a few yard sales and I did make out like a bandit!

I bought 4 seagrass baskets for books and toys for only $2 - Binx is a fan: 

My sister's neighbourhood was having a yard sale and I was unable to attend, but she found all sorts of goods!! Best kind of yard saling is her sending me pics and doing the the bartering for me (I'm not good at that part). Here is what I found, all for $60: 

A 3-1 car seat for the next stage - we still plan to buy a new one, but want one for both vehicles. This one is in mint shape and has lots of time left before expiring!

Baby cubes - these have been very well used already and are all full in my freezer!! $2 a tray!

Ba Baby Bottle Holder - retails for $20 I paid $2! But Noah won't use it yet! 

Life jacket for Noah - $5

My sister found this too - a travel bottle warmer!! 

A swing for the playset we had given to us - $5 

My sister also gave me this jolly jumper and this toy for crawling:

Then to make matters better, we were headed to ball the one night here in town, of course I was walking and came across this free to a home that will use it basketball net in mint shape! So I called Mike back to come get it but he said after the game. I didn't want to miss out, so I dropped Noah off at the park with him and grabbed the truck, muscled it into the back, learned it was full of water after it was too late... Went back to the park, pulled it out so more water didn't get on the carpet... M wasn't impressed that I didn't throw it in the very back of the truck, but it was full and this was heavier than I thought (heck I had to drive with the passenger door open to accommodate...) and I hate picking things up off the street, not to mention our truck has a logo! Haha. I'm soo not made for junk pick up, even though this will be good junk to my child one day!! 

What can I say, I am sale shopper, I don't like paying full price for anything, but I am not what one would call a good rummage shopper!! 


Murdock's mama said...

I miss garage sales. I haven't gone since I had kids.

J and A said...

Nice work!! I love great deals!! And I love garage sales, I just dont like going alone!! ha ha

Nicole @ Haute Runner said...

Awesome finds! I would love to go garage saling but I'm always busy when I see them!
We just bought Leo a $40 life jacket. Yah we suck! He will probably use it 3x!!

That basket ball hoop story is hilarious!


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