Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Emilya - 3 Months


Eating: We are still breastfeeding and things are continuing to go well! Emilya is nursing every hour to two hours still, aside from over night and naptime. She continues take a bottle well over night with M or throughout the day if we are on the go! She does not do well with nursing in loud environments and is easily distracted in that regard. I still get up and pump for 10 minutes sometime between 2AM and 3AM, which we use for overnight feeds and outings, as well as freezing. Em gets a 4oz bottle overnight. 

Sleeping: Emilya is still rocking this subject. IF she gets up at night, it usually just once and between 4-6 AM. She is going to bed around 9:15 every night. She does insist on being rocked to sleep, just like her brother did and doesn't actually put herself to sleep at all anymore. She is napping in the mamaroo and we converted her to the pack and play in our bedroom instead of the bassinet. We still have a wedge under half the crib, because she doesn't do well with laying flat. Emilya will nap typically once a day between 12:30 and 4, ranging 2-4 hours in length. She will sometimes have a short nap in the morning but tends the stay awake in the evening until bedtime. Em sleeps best when swaddled. 

Clothing: Emilya is out of her 3 month sleepers completely. She is starting to outgrow her 3 month onesies, but the pants still fit, it just appears to be one pieces and her tshirts that she has outgrown. She's not quite in 6 month sleepers, so we had to rummage through her brothers 3-6 month sleepers! She is wearing size 2 pampers swaddlers. 

Bathes: Emilya is now bathing in there regular bath tub, because she is just too long for the baby tub!! So we bought a little bath sling seat to prop her up a bit to make bathes a bit easier. She still loves her bathes and has one every other day. Her skin has completely cleared right up. 

Skin and Hair: Emilya lost quite a bit of hair in the top of her head, but it has started to grow back and is soo light in comparison to her hair in the back of her head!! She will still wear headbands without much of a fight, same with her sun hats. Her skin has cleared right up and her eyes are very blue so far! 

Weight:   3 Months: 13 lbs, 14 oz

Her Length is still around 25 inches!! She is soo tall!!


What The Doctor Had To Say: Emilya handled her needles like a champ, however she wasn't feeling soo hot that evening and just really needed yo be cuddled and held. But there were no concerns at her check up. We see the audiologist in a few weeks for a recheck and are waiting to hear back from the ENT. 

Nicknames: Emma, Em, Emy, Baby, Little Miss, Littlest Squish, Baby girl, Baby Bunny

Big Brother Update: Noah continues to be such an awesome big brother. He really likes to play with her when she is on her play mat and still insists on holding her often. He kisses and hugs her everynight before bed. I love watching the two of them interact together.

Likes: rolling around, her play mat, her Muslin blankets, her lovey, her brother, being read to, being outside, bathes, a few different toys, being carried in the baby bjorn. 

Dislikes: the car, diaper changes, a pacifier, being hungry

Personality: Emilya is super laid back with her personality, but brings out the drama when she is hurt, in true girl fashion. She loves chatting to anyone who will listen to her, even when I'm talking on the phone. She wakes up soo happy in the morning and it doesn't take much to make her smile! She thinks the world of her brother and loves watching him play. A day before turning 3 months, she took her first roll from back to front and now can roll right over in all directions from any position!! 

1 comment:

Lindsey (a running tale) said...

Awe, I cannot believe how fast time is going! I have a love hate relationship with rolling, she rolls onto her tummy at night and I am not sure I like that yet! So we had to stop swaddling her at night too. I am hoping this does not equal ore wake ups!
Keep her in all the headbands while you can! I hope she keeps wearing them for you!


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