Friday, December 16, 2016

Hey Friday

When did finding time to blog become soo challanging?? I keep saying I will get it done in the evening, but then we are wrapping presents, have plans, working on DIY projects, or Christmas presents... it's just soo busy!!! Not to mention I'm behind on Emilya's monthly posts, so stay tuned for a catch up on that!! The crazy part is that I look ahead and it's just gong to busy busy for the next couple of months. Maybe when we get home from vacation, it may slow down?   

 Anyways, moving on, because clearly I did not intend to spend a whole post writing absolutely how hard it is to blog... what have be been busy doing???            

 Well we are all working hard on getting healthy. I think I am mostly over my cold, Noah is finishing up his antibiotics, and Mike and Em are in the middle of the cold. I'm not sure if we will meet our goal of getting healthy before Christmas or not, but we are trying!!           
 Just about all of our presents are wrapped, we are just waiting for a few to come in and I have to make a couple. Feels good to be pretty much finished. Now I just need to get my stockings finished.           
 We ordered a new mudroom door and kitchen window. We may just have a functioning mudroom sooner than later!! It's totally on the Reno list and by Reno I mean new closet, new door, new paint. The floors are still good obviously, we just redid them a few years ago!    
We also celebrated Grandmas birthday!!

 I received my gift from my Christmas blog swap partner Leigh and Lindsey were running. I was partnered with Deena and this is what I got:           

 So cute and that jam is a family favorite!!   

We are in for yet another snow storm this weekend - we have soo much snow!! But we don't have too much planned otherwise. Hope everyone has a safe and fun weekend!!           


Deena @Shoes to Shiraz said...

Glad you liked it! Saskatoon jam is our fave too.

Nicole @ Haute Runner said...

Blogging with 2 kids is tough! Which is why I only post 1-2 times a week. Plus it takes me forever to write a post!

Hope everyone is healthy for Christmas!!


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