Friday, October 26, 2012

Friday Letter's

Dear Followers and Friends:

I am sorry about the lack of blogging lately. Instead of carrying on about how bad of a blogger I am being and making promises I am not keeping, I figure I will just be upfront with you all. If I am being honest, I really just have too much going on and not enough time to put into blogging. Hopefully things will slow down soon and I get back on schedule. I have been busy with Scentsy and Photography, plus everyday life! So forgive me please. I will still try to stay caught up on every one's blogs.

Dear Sleep:

I am really not loving this relationship we have developed. I enjoy sleeping throughout the night. Last night was an improvement, but let's make sleeping through the whole night consistent please. It would be much appreciated!!

Dear Face:

I see we are having issues again. Let's just make an agreement to clear up. Some days you make me feel like leaving the house with a bag on my head! Just sayin'. No one wants to feel that way!

Dear Lily & Gracie:

I love how sweet and well-behaved you have been lately. I love we are beginning the stages of trusting you more on your own and so far you haven't failed us. I wouldn't mind not having to leave you in your room vs. free range!! Soo keep up the good work!!

Dear Binx:

I am sorry you were locked in a bedroom for 24 hours. But maybe, just maybe you shouldn't sneak into rooms you are not supposed to be in!! I did love how sucky you were when I discovered you.

Dear Lux:

I am totally on to your game. I know you think it would be awesome to be locked in the bedroom all day, but it's not going to happen, at least not on purpose. So in the meantime, I will catch you when you least expect it in the morning and shut you out before everyone else, it just saves me the headache after. I will no longer use your laser to try to get you out, because that is like rewarding you.

Dear New Blanket:

You are really coming along! However you are slightly distracting because I just want to get you finished, when I have other pressing matters on the go! I hope to find some time this weekend between photo editing, Halloween partying and hopefully photo taking (weather dependant) to work on you.

Dear M:

After finishing our 5 Year Anniversary Book last night and reminiscing through all the photos from the last 5 years, I was reminded how lucky I am to have you by my side to call my best friend. So thank you. I am still not sure how I got soo lucky, but I promise to not take my luck forgranted and just love you everyday.

One of the old gems I came across!!


Happy Weekend Friends!!

1 comment:

J and A said...

Great letters! Have a great weekend! Take time to relax and finish that blanket. ha ha Halloween partying! FUN!!! :)


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