Friday, August 8, 2014

{ oh HEY Friday }

Today I am trying out a new link up from The Farmer's Wife

This week has zoomed right on by and has been busy, which only makes it go faster!! Next week isn't much better! 

1. Noah tried carrots this week and had his first major food meltdown. Not a fan, but he is coming around, either that or he has clued in to the fact that I am going to keep offering it to him! He doesn't mind it mixed with rice! Here is the stink eye that he was throwing my way:

Up next is avocado (which I do not eat) or bartlett pears (which I bought instead of making myself)

2. Loving these new summer spritzers:

I will say the pink can, the name drew me in, but the fact that they taste like raspberry ginger ale is a big bonus!

They are amazing and I have yet to try the moscato one!

3. Noah had a play date with his birthday buddy! Of course Noah was off yesterday from waking up so early and nap protesting, so he was not the smiliest, that is for sure! I am nicknaming him "no nap Noah". But I love seeing these two grow:

4. I made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies last night, but apparently I didn't have regular chocolate chips, but the mini hershey's kisses. I was a little disappointed, but actually the cookies are fantastic with them!

5. We are home sweet home this weekend, although M is doing a backhoe job, but the weather is supposed to be gorgeous, so I am ever hopeful we can get in some pool time this weekend!! It has not been a good pool season that is for sure with our weather being soo cool for us! I also need to make my maternity photobook that I have been putting off!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Stacy said...

im not a drinker and i wish i drank wine...that drink sounding like raspberry gingerale may be an option for me...i wonder if they have them in Ottawa?

J and A said...

So cute. Those drinks sound awesome!! I must find. Those cookies sound good too. :) happy weekend.

Nicole @ Haute Runner said...

Haha food meltdown! Leo has had carrots with something else and so far has liked almost everything. He wasn't huge on avocado but I have it to him chunky so not sure if it was the flavour or texture he didn't like.

Mmmm I need to go to the liquor store again. I need to get some more non alcoholic drink ideas since I can't be drinking all the time (even if I want to!).

Jessah @ Dreaming of Dimples said...

So cute! Wish I had one of those cookies right now. Have a great weekend


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