Friday, January 6, 2017

2017 Goals

I will say that before having kids M and I didn't really set goals, we had ideas and projects to work on, but this year we actually made goals. Since having kids life has been great, we are the happiest we have been, sometimes it still feels unreal. 

 M made his list which stemmed around being more positive, and positive inforcement with the kids. He is also going to be more patient when it comes to pictures and actually begin to embrace them himself - he's back on Instagram and already posted a pic!! He is also going to get into shape, because we both agree, we feel our best when we are healthy.   

Moving on to mine. PATIENCE!!! Yes, I suck at it, and I'm realizing how hard having the shortage makes life, especially with kids. I need to slow down, and be patient. This is going to be hard, but I have seen a difference soo far in my practice over the last week. This should help me bear the threenager phase right? Any advice on that? 

    I need to update the blog header to add in Emilya and I need to figure out a blogging schedule that I can actually complete. I'm leaning towards three times a week. I will say using this new app to blog with is making life a whole lot easier, but I still feel so very far behind on posts but just struggle with finding time or better yet making time. I do enjoy documenting our life, so I am not at a point where I am willing to let it go yet, although I will say, it is not at all what it used to be. I am following less people, trying to comment when I can and doing my best not to get too overwhelmed! Although I hardly get any comments anymore, I blog mainly for me anyways and documenting our life. 

   I need to get better with time management. By the end of the day, I'm tired and just want to veg, however, I am not getting as much done around the house with the kids, so that leaves evenings or weekends.  

 I need to get organized and have actually come up with a plan to put it into place! We are going to go room to room organizing and if it doesn't have a home, and can't find one, it is going!  

 Our house goals this year are a new closet in the mud room, along with new garden doors and a new kitchen window, both of which are ordered already. We are also going to replace the great room/kitchen/foyer floors, as they are slowly falling apart since the roof Reno. We are discussing a few decking ideas around the hot tub, but nothing is set in stone.    

Now that Em isn't an itty bitty baby anymore, I want to start getting out with the kids more. I wish we didn't have to travel so far for fun things, however I wouldn't give up our quaint village either. So we are going to plan a couple different fun activities every month to do either as a family or with the kids and I. 

   Every year I have the same goal... to be the best me I can be. This pertains to every aspect in my life. A better mom, a better wife, better health. We are back to working out, starting with 21 day fix right off the hop. I have quite a bit of dental work coming up to help me achieve the smile I want, which will also help my confidence. It's all pretty much small monthly goals that will sum up to a bigger picture. I would like to work on some self development, making sure I am still working on being the person I want to be.   

 We plan to have Maggie trained by the end of the year. We put a lot of effort and work into training our dogs and that won't change even now with kids in the picture. What M and I have both noticed is how quickly Maggie is learning. She has hardly any accidents in the house anymore at only 9 weeks she already asks to go out! She is doing better with the kennel and with Em, but we need to work on her jumping up on Noah. It is so amazing seeing the bond between Noah and Maggie and we plan to involve him in helping us train her.    I think that sums up everything!!

Here is to hoping 2017 is just as good to us as the last 4 years have been. 


Lindsey (a running tale) said...

Patience is on my list too! I wish I had threeanger advice! It's a tough stage for everyone!

J and A said...

Great goals! Patience is key. I just can't handle whining. That's what wears on my patience!! The WHINE!!!


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