Friday, September 19, 2014

Follow Up Friday

This week was just as busy as I thought it would be, but it's been a good week all in all!!

Today I am remembering one of my most favorite women in my life, my grandmother. It has been 9 years today since she passed away. To say I miss her like crazy doesn't quite cut it, but I don't know that there are words to describe my feelings. I soo badly wish that she was able to meet Noah and that Noah was able to know her and how strong of a women she really was. My childhood is filled with her memories and I plan to make sure Noah knows the same kind of fun we used to have!!

Wednesday we met with the minister at the church. It went great! We set the date we wanted and the minister was open to all of our ideas to make the service as personal as possible.

Coming home Noah was overtired and lost his cool, which made for a long 15 minute drive home! 

Yesterday Noah loved up to his no-nap status, but with that being said he was actually in a good mood! We ran some errands, had him weighed, etc. 

I picked up this set from my sister that she made for me for the wedding this weekend!! Love it!! Check out her shop HERE

He also tried yogurt yesterday for the first time and loved it! 

Last night we went and picked up the toddler bed I bought used. It was in excellent shape until we went to go home and it flew out of the truck and dragged for a little bit! Luckily the damage was minimal. Why my husband didn't feel the need to tie it down the first time I'm not sure, even though I suggested it... Why he didn't tie it down the second time... Luckily it didn't get all the way out that time... I'm still not sure, but at that point I made him tie it down! 

I also went out with the ladies last night! It was loud, but fun! We all joked that we must be getting old because we were in the bar at Boston Pizza, the game was on, it was pretty busy, but we were totally yelling our conversations at each other and commenting how loud it was... But it was fun! 

Today Noah is working on catching up on some sleep he might have missed yesterday starting today off with an hour and half long nap! I was able to shower and get dressed and watch more of The Good Wife!! I'm almost caught up for Sunday when season 6 starts!! Luckily Noah is content playing while I continue to watch and fold laundry!! 

Wish us luck tomorrow leaving Noah for the longest and traveling the furthest away from him! I know he will be fine! Just a big step for this mama and daddy feels the pressure too!! 

Have a great weekend! 


Alison said...

Love the necklace!! Can't wait to see it on!

Kelly Mock said...

Oh your little man is too cute!

Aubrey said...

Love the necklace and bracelet!


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