Friday, July 17, 2015

Hey Friday!!

Yay for no ball Friday!! Apparently our game was cancelled for tonight, which makes me kind of happy!! Not that we have plans or anything exciting going on and I do enjoy the games, but sometimes it's just nice to be home on a Friday night!!

Today I am thinking of my niece Hannah, who is having surgery on both her eyes this morning!! Praying for an easy surgery and fast recovery!! 

It's 8:50 AM as I write this post and Noah is still sleeping!! 

I'm trying a new drink recipe!! I am finally getting around to trying the Passion Tea Lemonade that mimics Starbucks!! I finally found passion tea last night - actually that's a lie, Sarah found it during our late night post girls night Walmart trip! 

Last night was girls night! I was soo disappointed that they took my drink off the menu!! I also was impressed with drink I picked... Some peach lemonade that wasn't anything special! I did finally try a 4 berry mojito which I quite liked! 

On Wednessay I decided to try my hand at some outfit pics with my selfie stick... I definetely need some work at it, but here are Wednesday and Thursday's outfits for both Noah and I! 

Yes, I cringe, the crocs left the house! I bought them for playing in the back yard - so much easier! But I am not a fan. I will say though, that they do make life easier though, so I am sure it will happen again!!

No guarantees I will get better.. I think because I am soo tall, in order to get my whole self in, my arm has to be soo high!! 

Today I have a few more groceries to grab, which I will be doing at just one store with Noah - thanks to ladies being willing to stop at Walmart last night!! Shopping with a toddler at this stage is tricky! All he wants to do is push the cart or climb out! So I'm hoping it will quick and then we have to stop and grab the sweet deal I grabbed off kijiji for 5 sleep sacks (4 of which are halo brand in new condition with feet) for $45!! A couple of them are toddler size, but he will grow into them! I love sleep sacks, especially now that we are in two piece pjs now, just gives me the piece of mind that he is covered and warm enough! 

Update on Gracie - she is still not quite herself, a few more days of antibiotics left. She is refusing to eat the wet food now to make matters more difficult, but we must be getting just enough in her to stop the pills from reacting with her tummy because she has vomited for a few days (thank God!!) Her infection site looks much better though! Not sure if she's just being stubborn, but she didn't even want to go for a walk last night! Hopefully her mood lightens up soon! 

This weekend I have N's baby shower and then potential lake day on Sunday!!

Well this post is wrapping up now because it is 9:15 and my kid just sat up!! Time to go get the little. Squish!! 


Lindsey (a running tale) said...

I saw Alison talking about that tea! I might need to try it too. Whenever we go out for drinks mojitos are my go to :) I love cucumber ones!
Lots of people like Crocs for kids, I am with you they are so ugly though! And the are banned at a lot of daycares here, too much of a hazard for kids falling and tripping!
That is a great deal on sleep sacks, I hate they are usually $30 each!
Enjoy your weekend :)

Cole said...

I love that Starbucks tea/lemonade combo. Your version must be great! Have a great weekend. :-)

Murdock's mama said...

Murdock had a bad week last week too. What's up with all of our pups?! :(


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