Saturday, July 28, 2012

Road Trip Day 8

July 9

Today was a nice and laid back day! Just what we needed before starting up our travels home!

Mike went hay bailing with Brent's Dad while Brent went to a council meeting and Jenna and I went to town for water and to get the mail.

We all met up for lunch.

After lunch Mike and Brent went to cut hay with Brent's Dad. Jenna and I decided to attempt bathing their new dog. It actually went over well, she didn't seem to mind! She is a pretty good dog and with some behavioral training and socialization I think she will work out just fine!

After we finished bathing her we decided to make the boys some fruit slushies and take it out to the field for them! It was neat to see the three of them cutting hay all at once!

On our way back home we stopped to see some big horn sheep! And then some deer and baby sheep, as well as some new fawns! We also stopped into to visit some of Brent's family!

Everyone we have met here are so kind! Very friendly place! I even got to meet Brent's grandparents! They were soo sweet!

My sunburn is beginning to feel a bit better, my upper back was definitely the sorest!

The boys actually beat us back for dinner, but Brent wanted to show Mike the excavator! This gave us time to get dinner going, actually gave Jenna a chance! I stayed out if the way! Jenna sure knows her way around the kitchen! All of the meals we had were fantastic and for the most part home-made!

I ate pork, moose and elk!

As we waited for Mike to come up with the excavator the dogs finally let loose and all four of them began to play! Sooo cute!

After dinner I showed everyone some of the pictures I had taken! Brent went bailing and the three of us decided to race over to the canola field for pictures with the sunset! We missed the sunset! But the pictures were still nice!

I had a shower and could not believe the dirt that came off of me!

After that M and I packed up, so we were ready to go.


Anonymous said...

I just love animals! Those are some nice sheep! Sunburns are terrible and glad yours is feeling better. I get them a lot because I have my Mom's irish skin!

Brie Bemis @ Sophistifunk said...

eeek, that big horn sheep looks terrifying! i love your blog :)

xo brie


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