Friday, March 1, 2013

March is Here!!

Wow am I ever happy to see Friday! This week has been crazy!

We started our cleanse on Monday. Yesterday was a bit tough, I wanted everything I couldn't have! Pinterest is the devil, and so are tv commercials! I think just seeing food I couldn't have was just bad!

We juiced for the first time last night! Made raspberry/lemon/orange sorbet and popsicles! Got the idea off of Pinterest!! I will be sure to share soon!!

Work has been crazy!! Hoping today I will get somewhat caught up! A girl can dream right? *** side note, since I am just posting this now, I did manage to get somewhat caught up today and Monday I have no patients, so I anticipate being fully caught up on billing!!

Binx is home! She is doing well! Has some inflammation in her girls parts, so they are treating it as if its an UTI, most likely caused by stress! We blame Jamaica! Haha! We gave her a bath last night because I always worry about what they bring home from the vet. Might just work best or trying to hydrate your cat! She groomed herself crazy!


Hope everyone has a great weekend! M and I haven't really discussed our weekend yet, but I know we will be celebrating someone's 4th Birthday. It's gunna be hard to not have cake!


Susannah said...

I want a juicer so bad. I hear about all sorts of juice people come up with and it makes me wanna do it! :-)

Rachel said...

The sorbet you made sounds delicious!!

Hilary said...

Whoops - ignore my comment on your last post about the juicer!! :-)


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