- bake cookies
- sew
- sew like crazy
- sew some more
- head into town to get more fabric and supplies
- go to the bank
- sew some more
- have dinner with the hubby
- pick up some stuff in town for my sister
- watch Grey's and Private Practice (yay!)
Jason Mraz - I Won't Give Up
I love it for soo many different reasons!!!
What is on your agenda for today?
I have a huge list of to-dos too. I should write it down. :(
Wow that's a lot of sewing!
Sounds like a super-busy day of sewing!
Once I get off of work I'm going to take the dogs to the park and have dinner with my love! Yay!
You are a busy busy girl!! I have a long list that never really seems to ever get shorter. I think this is because I spend to much time reading blogs and not enough checking things off my list!
I {love} this song!!!!
I heard that song today and love it too!! I clicked "thumbs up" in Pandora. :-)
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